Today, we are going to talk about the DIY grape espalier method which is a great way to grow grapes plants on the fence in your backyard, especially with limited spacing. I’ve always wanted to get into growing my own grapes and maybe making some homemade wine if I can grow enough. The grape espalier method is a tried-and-true method for ensuing your grape plants have a bountiful harvest.

What is the Espalier Method?
The Espalier method is used to train your grape vines, or even fruit trees, to grow a primary stalk going up the middle with 2 or more levels to branch off horizontally, against a wall or fence. Wire cable can be strung across these horizontal levels for the branches to be supported. Grape espaliers are a perfect option for those who want to grow grapes in the limited space of a backyard and have more control over their growth.
History of the Espalier Method
Espalier is the ancient method of controlling woody plant growth for improved production and aesthetics. This is achieved by pruning and tying branches to a horizontal structure or frame. This method focuses on a flat horizontal pattern against a structure such as a wall, fence, trellis, or wire cable.
The espalier method trains the vine or woody growth into flat two-dimensional patterns. This is not only for decorative purposes but also to take advantage of available space in areas with limited space. In temperate climates, espalier methods are centered on walls that reflect more sunlight and retain heat overnight. They also may be oriented so that they absorb maximum sunlight in the region by training them to be parallel to the equator. Both strategies allow the season to be extended so that fruit has more time to mature.
From a historical standpoint, the word espalier is French, coming from the Italian spalliera, which means “something to rest the shoulder (spalla) against. The term originally was intended to mean the action trellis or frame on which the plant was grown, but over time it designates the actual practice and the plants themselves.
Benefits of the Espalier Method
Benefit #1: Space-Saving
The first benefit of the Grape Espalier method is the amount of space that is saved by getting the vines to run along your fence. Grape Espalier is an ideal method of growing grapes in small gardens or spaces, like my backyard, where surplus space to grow vines is limited.
Benefit #2: Improved Sunlight Exposure
Grape vines trained to locate on the horizontal wire cable allows for better sunlight exposure and air circulation, which can result in higher grape yields and better-quality grapes. The alternative is the leaves from multiple vines growing up crowds out some of your grapes from receiving adequate sunlight and prevents fresh air from circulating throughout your plants.
Benefit #3: Easier Maintenance
The Grape Espalier method allows your vines to be so much easier to maintain and prune than other methods. This makes espalier really beneficial and an excellent choice for home gardeners, especially if you have limited space.
Install Horizontal Support Structure for Wire Cable
You will want to get a 2 x 4 or other lumber to screw the wire cables eye’s into. For example, in this installation, I have a 24 ft section of my backyard fence behind the driveway. I installed 2 x 12’ x 2” x 4”’s on the fence at the lower horizontal stud that the fence boards are nailed to. I will eventually add another row of 2” x 4”, along the upper horizontal stud the fence boards are nailed to but grape vines are not tall enough anyhow at this time.

Install Wire Cable System
I ordered my TooTaci Turnbuckle Wire Tensioner Strainer Kit with 100 ft of stainless steel coated wire rope off Amazon. This set will get an entire fence setup with multiple row. If you look for an alternative, please just make sure the wire is stainless steel and covered with plastic. This kit comes with 5 turnbuckles, 10 eyes, 14 crimp fittings, and 10 anti-kink shields. The kit is easy to setup as you will need 2 turnbuckles, 4 eyes, 2 crimp fittings and 2 shields for each horizontal wire setup for your espalier.

Setting up your Vines for the Espalier Wire Rope
Grapes grown in containers or as bare-root plants are sold with multiple branches. Plant the grape vines with the roots firmly covered with soil. After planting and when these branches are young, small and tender (less than or about the width of a pencil), prune off all branches except one. This one remaining branch will grow and become the trunk of the vine. Plant this single branch, or position the container, near a post on your trellis system.
Eventually the trunk will grow in diameter and begin to sprout many branches again. Remove all but two of the branches. Wrap the remaining two branches on the wire of your trellis system to form the cordons . Foliage and fruit will sprout from these cordons annually.

Future Pruning
We must prune our grape vines annually for optimal fruit production. The Grape vines will be pruned while dormant, between mid-January and early March. I’m late pruning the vines this year so will do a bit of pruning now to get the espalier positioned. I may have to make a fresh start come next year.
Final Thoughts
The grape espalier method is a tried and true method that helps ensure you get a bountiful graph harvest year after year. The DIY installation of the wire cable system is simple and anybody can do it. This is a real space saver for you backyard garden. Send me some pictures of you grape espalier whether new or existing. I’d live to see them and possibly even include them in the post.
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Best Regards,
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